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Decisioni "Secondo semestre A.A.24-25"
Algebra lineare e Analisi Matematica II (Codice esame: 591AA)
[Confermato] Algebra lineare: l'appello straordinario verrà aperto a tutti, non ci sarà appello a novembre. Analisi 2: non apre.
2025-02-05 17:15:26
Industrial applications (Codice esame: 910II)
No call will be held in April, the next one will be in November and only for protected categories.
2025-02-05 15:03:03
Distributed systems and Middleware technologies (Codice esame: 879II)
The extraordinary call will be open to everyone. The project presentation will take place as usual by requesting a meeting before the examination.
2025-02-04 17:14:27
Cloud Computing (DII) (Codice esame: 876II)
An extraordinary call will be held only for protected categories. It will be possible to do the entire exam.
2025-02-04 14:29:33
Optimization methods and Game theory (Codice esame: 969AA)
The extraordinary call will be open to everyone.
2025-02-04 10:43:57
Dependable and secure systems (Codice esame: 602II)
An extraordinary call will be held for the old exam "Formal Methods for Secure Systems" (code: 909II). Same rules (project's discussion + oral examination). Projects of the last year. The call will be open to everyone!
2025-02-04 10:42:05
Computer architecture (Codice esame: 588II)
Prete: "The date of the extraordinary call (complete exam) will be decided with all interested students".
2025-02-04 10:39:30
Performance evaluation of computer systems and networks (Codice esame: 592II)
[According to precedents] An extraordinary call will be held only for protected categories. The written part must be done in the third call of the winter session. Check Stea's FAQ for more informations.
2025-02-04 10:07:13
Internet of things (Codice esame: 882II)
An extraordinary call will be held only for protected categories (around mid-april, before Easter).
2025-02-04 10:02:00
Mobile and social sensing systems (Codice esame: 885II)
An extraordinary call will be held only for protected categories (the period will be decided later).
2025-02-03 11:22:09
Multimedia information retrieval and computer vision (Codice esame: 886II)
An extraordinary call will be held only for protected categories. Projects must be submitted one week before the examination.
2025-02-03 11:21:52
Basi di dati (Codice esame: 861II)
[Confermato] Apre appello alle categorie protette, è necessario aver superato il pretest in un precedente appello.
2025-02-03 11:20:19
Intelligent systems (Codice esame: 595II)
Ducange: I am thinking of opening the exam sessions only for the protected categories (according to university regulations). The exam will be oral only (although I usually have it done in writing). In any case, students will be able to discuss their project a few days before the exam. The exams are likely to take place between April 28 and 30.
2025-02-03 11:08:34
Large-scale and multi-structured databases (Codice esame: 883II)
Ducange: I am thinking of opening the exam sessions only for the protected categories (according to university regulations). The exam will be oral only (although I usually have it done in writing). In any case, students will be able to discuss their project a few days before the exam. The exams are likely to take place between April 28 and 30.
2025-02-03 11:08:27
Software systems engineering (Codice esame: 911II)
The extraordinary call will be open to everyone.
2025-02-03 10:12:25
Process mining and intelligence (Codice esame: 888II)
The extraordinary call will be open to everyone.
2025-02-03 10:12:20
Fondamenti di programmazione (Codice esame: 862II)
[Confermato] Non apre
2025-02-03 09:38:23
Computational intelligence and Deep learning (Codice esame: 877II)
No call will be held.
2025-02-03 09:37:27
Symbolic and evolutionary artificial intelligence (Codice esame: 893II)
No call will be held.
2025-02-03 09:37:21
Calcolo numerico (Codice esame: 173AA)
[Confermato] Non apre, in linea con gli anni precedenti
2025-02-03 09:34:05
Analisi Matematica I (Codice esame: 004AA)
[Confermato] Non apre (già aperto a Novembre, il prossimo appello straordinario sarà a Novembre 2025 - cit.)
2025-02-02 21:32:14
Elettrotecnica (Codice esame: 073II)
[Storico] Di solito svolge i compitini in periodo di lezione e non apre nessun appello straordinario (nè a novembre nè ad aprile).
2025-02-02 20:59:18
Sistemi operativi (Codice esame: 544II)
[Confermato] Non apre (già fatto a Novembre - cit.)
2025-02-02 19:59:48
Reti Informatiche (Codice esame: 545II)
[Confermato] Apre solo per le categorie protette, approssimativamente a metà aprile e prima di Pasqua.
2025-02-02 19:59:42
Comunicazioni numeriche (Codice esame: 075II)
[Storico] Non dovrebbe aprire, ha già aperto a Novembre.
2025-02-02 19:59:34
Fondamenti di automatica (Codice esame: 077II)
[Storico] Non dovrebbe aprire, ha già aperto a Novembre.
2025-02-02 19:59:23
Reti logiche (Codice esame: 074II)
[Storico] Apre solo l'orale per le categorie protette, necessario sostenere pretest e prove pratiche nel terzo appello invernale.
2025-02-01 17:03:33